Environmental Change Management at Signal Sausages Factory

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Environmental offenses at the Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell relate to violations of environmental regulations and regulations. The actions of the plant caused damage to the environment in connection with the improper handling of production and consumption waste. From the standpoint of labor law, the consequences for environmental offenses will be not only disciplinary but also material, which will significantly affect the work of the enterprise. The fact that the Signal Sausages Factory at Halswell is in poor condition is caused by the low environmental responsibility of both the manager and the employees. They did not perform properly performing labor duties related to environmental protection. For this reason, there were consequences for violating environmental rules, the execution of which was included in the scope of the violators work duties.

Technical Aspects


The Signal Sausages Factory at Halswell discharged raw untreated trade waste, containing blood, bone, fats, and meat, that contaminated storm water flows directly into the Heathcote River. This is because this method of waste disposal does not require large one-time investments. The drained waste spreads over the surface of the water, quickly settles to the bottom, and dissolves, creating the appearance of cleanliness. Therefore, the vision of the management was that the waste produced by the plant does not pollute the environment too much (Doppelt, 2010). Due to this, alternative ways of disposing of production residues were not considered, and for several years systematic pollution of the waters of the Heathcote River was carried out.


Leadership skills for solving environmental problems should be focused on checking the consequences of a factorys actions, as well as for the protection of natural resources. Managers should cultivate, maintain and develop a work culture to protect the environment and prevent environmental pollution. They must also be skilled to ensure commitment to environmental protection among all employees of all departments of the enterprise (Doppelt, 2010). In addition, it is necessary to be able to evaluate the selected pollution control program in terms of costs and benefits to increase progress in environmental protection. An additional skill will be mastering participation in state programs related to the cleaning of polluted water bodies.


The Signal Sausages Factory at Halswell will require resources for recycling recyclable materials and their disposal. At each stage of the process, it will be necessary to attract human and technical resources. Transport and drivers will be needed for collection and delivery to the processing site. For splitting into useful and unnecessary components with the disposal of the latter, special reagents, rental of premises, and employees who carry out this process will be needed (Doppelt, 2010). Thus, the greatest material resources will be directed to the payment of salaries to specialists and the purchase of specialized equipment. It will be necessary to purchase various types of equipment used in the recycling of garbage. Among them are compactors for compressing garbage to reduce its volume, as well as crushers and grinding mills.


The main incentive to take care of the environment for the leadership is the legislative responsibility for the pollution of the reservoir. In case of violations of water legislation and pollution of water bodies, the legislator provided for administrative and criminal liability, combining them with civil law measures (Doppelt, 2010). Liability is provided for the use of a water body in violation of the established conditions and the rules of operation of water management or water protection structures and devices. In addition to administrative and criminal liability, the legislation on environmental protection provides for mandatory compensation for damage caused to water bodies. These measures include large fines, which make the disposal of leftover products of production more profitable than dumping them into the Heathcote River.

Action Plan

In case of violations of water legislation, since the production of products at the Signal Sausages Factory at Halswell cannot be carried out without the use of water, this industrial enterprise must comply with certain requirements. In particular, it is necessary to start activities for the treatment of wastewater discharged by the enterprise. The action plan includes bringing water quality to the standards stipulated by the relevant state environmental standard (Doppelt, 2010). The first step will be to bring the composition of liquid effluents in line with the norms of maximum permissible concentrations. The next step will be to find other ways to dispose of waste that does not harm the environment, in particular not polluting the Heathcote River.

People Aspects


From the point of view of employees, the introduction of environmental innovations can cause a sharp increase in the volume of work. In addition, the introduction of new rules on waste disposal may fail due to peoples distrust of the initiator of the changes (Doppelt, 2010). Therefore, employees of the Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell can sabotage such a decision of the new management. This may also happen because, in their opinion, the care of the environment is not included in the management of employees regarding their official duties.


To correct the situation that has arisen at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell, including due to the indifferent attitude of employees to the environment, they need to master some skills. First of all, it is knowledge of laws, standards, and regulations related to ecology, and in particular water protection protocols. It is also necessary to provide a basic understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in nature (Doppelt, 2010). Moreover, the companys employees responsible for accounting must be trained in maintaining the necessary documentation and reporting related to waste disposal and the use of the waters of the Heathcote River. Possession of the listed skills will allow the companys employees to participate and comply with the developed strategy of minimizing the harm caused by the enterprise to the water resource.


Human resources will be needed to work on the environmental awareness of employees at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell. A company pursuing an active environmental policy is facing the need to radically change the personal management system because employees and their behavior are carriers of environmental progress. To do this, it is necessary to conduct environmental training and master classes aimed at teaching employees the principles of waste disposal (Doppelt, 2010). In addition, it is also required to organize open lectures and practical classes on the problem of pollution of natural reservoirs, technical resources, and various garbage cleaning equipment.


The main incentive to comply with environmental legislation for employees at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell will be various rewards for compliance with the new rules. The application of harsh sanctions and fines can lead to the opposite of the desired effect due to the characteristics of the workforce, which has a reputation for being lazy and uncooperative. It is desirable to combine types of encouragement  the result from them will be better than from a single reward (Doppelt, 2010). For example, when giving a monetary reward, the director can thank an employee for caring for the environment. The award will improve their financial situation, and gratitude will increase their status among colleagues. The combination of material and moral incentives is the best option for the correct motivation of employees at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell.

Action Plan

For the changes to be successful, it is important to properly inform employees about them. Especially carefully, one should conduct a conversation with those of them who are likely to actively resist innovations. For information, both oral and written formats should be used. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages: oral speech is more emotional and therefore inspires better than written, but it is less accurate (Doppelt, 2010). Written speech allows one to formulate everything as accurately as possible, but is inferior in the strength of motivation. Therefore, combining these methods of informing about new changes in environmental safety at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell will have maximum efficiency.


The goal of environmental change management at Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell is to overcome employees fear of change and make it clear to employees that they can participate in reforms and have the right to influence their progress. The changes require all their participants to work in a more intense mode than usual. It is important to convince employees that the result of transformations depends on them. Therefore, the effectiveness of environmental change management is determined by factors such as interaction with employees using incentives to implement a carefully thought-out action plan.


Doppelt, B. (2010). Leading change towards sustainability. Taylor & Francis.

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