Ethical Principles in Nursing Home: Case Study of Dora

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In regard of culture, society and ethics is to respond by analyzing the issues, by seeking ways to solve the issues presented by following the Laws of human right also implying the FREDA principles which is a involves of Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity, and Autonomy.

The ETHICAL principles (by doing or putting in practice what is morally right) it is suitable in the human constitution & foundation applied.

The general issues which is to be dealt is that the local authority as came in conclusion to occupy Dora permanently into a nursing home that is distanced away from her husband Simon and the children to visit her. This overview will be concluded with conclusion in regard of this matter.


In this there will be a development of the case of the situation of Dora and Simon which are a married couple of a duration of 59 years, through they marital life Dora who is the wife developed a blindness and she became blind also developed an illness called Alzheimer.

Simon the husband was looking after his wife Dora from the moment she became and blind and attained Alzheimer as a career, Simon and Dora had a fall whilst Simon was assisting her with care at their home and Simon became unable to look after Dora.

Therefore, Dora was taken into a local nursing home, in the mean while Simon her husband recovers from the fall which occurred in their home. The local nursing home which Dora was admitted to was funded by the local public, Simon and the children was visiting Dora as the local nursing home was not too far from their home.

As it stands, the local authority who had in charge of the local nursing home where Dora was first admitted decide to transfer and admit Dora permanently into another nursing home which is too far in distance from her house than the previous local nursing home, and Simon and the Children could not visit her. Also, Simon and Dora relationship were threatened, because there will be separation between the married couple and their children for a long period of time.


The discussion in this case study will be to study the case, this discover the issues exposes one by one and to expand the discussion. By using the information provided which it will guide it to gain the correct result or the decision which is supposed to be made.

The married couples have been in a long term married relationship of 59years which it clearly describes Simon and Dora hold a strong relationship, whilst Simon and Dora living together in their married house; Dora became blind and attained Alzheimer. Based on the information from (NHS) Alzheimer mostly a type of dementia disease in the uk, Alzheimer is a progressively neurological disease which is typically unknown and affected people form the age of 65 years old and over according to the (brain research uk). There are many things which makes the disease to increase in the body of an individual such as ageing, previously being involved in a serious head injury or it can be family history of someone in the family who suffered from the disease Alzheimer although it can also be genetic.

The disease Alzheimer progress in the body of a individual which means the disease can bring a different symptoms in can be increase regularly or severe throughout the years, according to the (NHS) the symptoms can be such as confusion, getting lost in familiar places; difficulty in remembering peoples faces, difficulty in making decisions and personality changes. According to the (NHS), there is not a cure for Alzheimer disease but treatment or medicines are available to help relieve some symptoms of the disease.

Psychological treatment can be provided such as cognitive stimulation therapy to help support an individual memory also support to help the individual into problem solving skills and language ability.

Among those symptoms which was mentioned, Dora was developing a few of the symptoms hence why Simon had to care for his wife Dora, it can be lack of recognising the environment and it might be the reason why the husband and the wife fall in their home.

The reason of admitted Dora in a local nursing home it is for the duty of the nursing home to take care of Dora as a service user whilst her husband Simon recover from the injury.

The local public were funding the local nursing home, perhaps Simon could not work anymore or retired from work to take care of Dora as the local nursing home were not too far from their house.

In this particular scenario we will be discussing about the decision which was taken by the local authority to move Dora into a nursing home, Dora was admitted into a nursing home not just for a short period time but permanently without the consent of the husband and the children; also this decision was threatening Dora and her husband Simon relationship.

In order to enlarge this issue, we must review the procedure which was taken by the local authority nursing if it was the right procedure according to the law or mental health acts law, the decision from the local authority nursing home was threatening the couple relationship and children.

The importance of the report underneath will be based by explaining the procedure of the agreement made by the local nursing toward the service user, by implicating the agreement tree or decision tree which is a method to detailed the state of health of the service user and in involvement of the government procedures.

According to (thopmson, 2001) Anti-discriminatory Practice book stated certain organizations have been accounted by the government to acts within authorities to bring solution in certain situation by applying the law. Any agreement of the decision must be applied in the following establishment in practice, policy and educational calendar. Nursing homes and certain practice are being handed the autonomy and authority of proceeding in practice their decision-making. The procedure which the local authority nursing did to make decision may be seen as irregular decision and choices, also regarding the procedures the nursing home applied through their service practice it does only applied to Dora but other service users involving int the nursing home. In most of the nursing home especially those who are private or funded by the government, decisions are mostly being made by nurses, doctors and the department of nursing homes coming together by reaching the level of the care their perform toward their service users (Thompson et al,2002).

Also according to (ONeil et al,2005) lay claim to any clinical decision-making or nursing home decision-making must be a multipart concern which means every decision taken must be involves the nurses, management, and others health professionals who have the knowledge in every healthcare department to be able to attend the reliable resources of data in order to proceed into helpful entourage to obtain the right decision in their services users best interest.

It is quoted by (Adams and Drake,2006) in regard of share decision making the entire service of the nursing home such as nurses and the members of the team are positioned as consultants toward the service user. By involving themselves into providing information, oppose and debate into the options which will be given as they should be in the best interest of the service user. Also, to facilitate requirements, preferences and to encourage the service users autonomy. By going through the story of Dora and Simon according the law, the local authority did not process the case of Dora in the right procedures before agreeing in the decision to admit Dora into nursing home which is distanced from Doras husband and children. By implicating the Law Equality Human Rights, the Article 14 stated that all the right and freedoms set out in the Act must be protected and applied without discrimination. An individual that is treated unequally or minor than others should be taken as an act of discrimination, as any act of discrimination are not easily reasonably absolve and justified.

Discrimination occurs when an individual is being treated less favourably while their circumstance happens to be different than others.

As an example of: if an service user who suffer from disability or mental health illness being treated less in regard of their circumstance, so it necessary to knowledge and understanding of the Human Right Act in order to protect the service user and to avoid discrimination by applying the Article 14 which is there to protect not just the service user in the nursing home but all of us. No matter an individual range of grounds such as colour, race, religion or sex; political or other opinion, national or social origin, and birth or other status.

Furthermore, the Article in the scenario covers an indirect act of discrimination, which Dora, Simon, and the children faced as the policies is apply to every service users equally without discrimination. But it was applied on the disadvantage of Dora as service user, by implicating FREDA principles in this scenario the local authority and local nursing home did not apply fairness in regard of Dora and Simon case; there is lack of involvement of respect and equality. There was discrimination of dignity not involving the service user into their circumstance and autonomy of the service user was neglected although the service user is enable to recognition of the service and not even applying patient family centered-care.

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