The Correlation Of Language And The Media

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In this report I would like to emphasize the contribution of language and the media to the sense of living in this world. I will discuss about the influence of language in the world of media. Media suffuse our sense of living in a world: a social world, an imaginative world, the world of global politics and confrontation. The contribution of media to the individuals mindset and thought processing is inevitable. The right use of language and media can divert the masses in anyway. This report would bring a conclusion considering the drawbacks of media and the usage of language by discussing the media ethics. In this digital world of communication , media allows us to propagate the thoughts to greater no. of people much faster.To be more specific in view of language , the regional slangs helps the information to reach out to even the illiterate people and monolingualists.


In this report we try to bring concepts of language and media together to understand the impact of one on another. Only then we will be able to understand the great changes in the communication and media culture in the recent decades.The media can be segregated into three types broadly : Print Media , Broadcast(Radio and Television) ,Digital Media. The language forms the basis whatever the medium of communication is . The evolution of media is crucially supported by the language . The media to brings up the cultural changes in the usage of language. Contemporary digital media is underdetermined. A decade ago there was a study of audience and few other key elements of media research were in place. The technological innovations has transformed the scale on which we act as social beings. Because the digital media goes through emphasizing the key message ,repeatance and many more additional tricks to make it more attractive. Like anyother business media is also a hot business because we live in a society were information is seen as wealth and this digital world has stolen has most of our information.


The methodology used for this report is circulation of google form to various people of different age group , different occupation. Also by rising questions to few journalism students and their responses are recorded and compared with that of others . The idea of getting responses from journalism and mass communication students of Madras Christian College , Chennai is to get indepth knowledge about the medias impact on the language, culture and society.

Main Report

The important role language plays within the mass communication is much readily agreed on but much less readily acted upon. In the realm of culture, the mass media are for most of people the main channel of cultural representation and expression, primary source of images of social identity. Everyday social life is strongly influenced by the media use and ifused by it contents through the way leisure time is spent,lifestyles are influenced, conversation is given its topics. In the last decade the media have grown the economic value, hence more the manipulation of peoples mind.

Wave upon wave of newly saturating media has flowed over the inhabitants of this world

  • the move from limited no. of terrestrial TV channels to hundreds of cable or satellite Channels;
  • increasingly fast and continuos access to the internet and world and wide web;
  • media access from mobile
  • radio and presss move online through digitalization
  • social networking sites such as facebook and twitter has changed the way of thought processing

How social media is affecting language

Starting from emoticons to short form the social media has massively trimmed down the usage of words to express emotions. Earlier the language we use to communicate was similar to thatof formal communication. But nowadays thats not the case the normal communication differs on a huge scale from that of formal communication, the sole reason for this change is social media.

The reason for this is media sites such as twitter limits the user to 140 characters per tweet, this would naturally makes the user to use acronyms to communicate in a more effective manner.

Bane of language in Mass Communication

In a diverse country like India, people use different languages to communicate. Most of the citizens are monolinguists . Thus Mass communication in a specific language becomes very difficult. Its always difficult to give same information in different languages, it often leads to conflicts.

Impact of social media

From the recent history of the issue of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, its clearly visible that how one can be influenced through the social media. Information is Wealth , through our past searches , likes and dislikes in social media is naturally a reflection of real life.

Even a persons election vote can be manipulated by constant use of media.

Following are the mental effects caused by social media.

  • Social media is addictive.Studies show that 63% of Americans log on to Facebook daily, and 40% log on multiple times each day. People use the site for myriad reasons; however, it usually serves, on some level, the same basic purposes: distraction and boredom relief. Likesand comments are positive reinforcement for posting information, making it difficult for a person to stop. Researchers have found this so common that they created a scale to measure this addiction:
  • Social media makes us compare our lives with others.Posts on social media many times present an idealized version of whats happening, what something looks like, or how things are going. This can lead users to constantly compare themselves to others and think less of their own lives. If things are going particularly well for people in your newsfeed and youre having a rough day, of course this will likely negatively affect your mood. In fact, in 2012 a team of researchers in the UK surveyed users, 53% of whom said social media had changed their behavior; 51% said it was negative behavior because of decline in confidence they felt due to unfair comparisons to others.
  • Social media makes us restless.Out of the same sample as the above example, two-thirds admitted to having difficultly relaxing when unable to use their social media accounts
  • Social media gives rise to cyberbullying.Cyberbullying is an enormous concern, especially for adolescents. An organization that aims for internet safety, called Enough is Enough, conducted a survey that found 95% of teenagers who use social media have witnessed cyberbullying, and 33% have been victims themselves.
  • Social media glamorizes drug and alcohol use.A study that explored the relationship between teenagers, social media, and drug use found that 70% of teenagers ages 12 to 17 use social media, and that those who interact with it on a daily basis are five times more likely to use tobacco, three times more likely to use alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana. In addition, 40% admitted they had been exposed to pictures of people under the influence via social media, suggesting correlation between the two factors. Although a correlation is all it is, it makes sense that social media would amp up the amount of peer pressure to which teenagers are exposed
  • Social media can make us unhappy.A study from the University of Michigan collected data about Facebook users and how it correlated with their moods. Simply put, they found that the more avid users were overall more unhappy than those who used the site less. Over more time, avid users also reported lower satisfaction in their lives overall.
  • Social media can lead to fear of missing out, aka FOMO.Fear of missing out is a phenomenon that occurs when you feel pressure to be doing what everyone else is doing, attend every event, and share every life experience. It can evoke anxiety and cause social media users to question why everyone is having fun without them. Surveys have even found that people feel insecure after using Pinterest because they feel that they arent crafty or creative enough. Facebook and Twitter can make people feel like they arent successful or smart enough
  • Social media often leads to multitasking.How many tabs do you have open right now? How are you even concentrating on one thing? The thing is, youre probably not  especially if one of those tabs is a social media site. Research has shown that our brains dont have the capacity to fully focus our attention on two things at once, and instead multitasking causes our brain to quickly switch from one task to another. This hinders information processing and productivity. Closing out your Twitter feed can seriously help you get some work done


Public confidence in the mass media continues to erode as more journalists and media outlets involve in unethical conducts.Comprehension of law is the only step. In the digital world everyone are a source of information. Every media person should have a source of media ethics . There shpuld not be shortage of ethical guidelines . Teenagers should be given proper ethical guidelines inorder to safeguard themselves from vulnarablity


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