Category: BP

  • Decisions of BP in 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill



    Table of Contents Introduction Problems experienced in the deepwater horizon oil spill Underlying issues causing the problems at the BP Company How these problems could be managed Corporate Responsibility Theory Conclusion References Introduction Good management is vital in any organization if it is to realize its set objectives. An ideal management system is characterized by…

  • Oil Spill Crisis as a Result of the British Petroleum



    The oil spill leaking into the Mexico gulf is as a result of the British Petroleum drilling rig which exploded at a rate of five thousand barrels a day. It was reported that about eleven workers died in the explosion that took place on 20th of April (Jones, 2010). The likely cause of the disaster…

  • Oil Spill Crisis as a Result of the British Petroleum



    The oil spill leaking into the Mexico gulf is as a result of the British Petroleum drilling rig which exploded at a rate of five thousand barrels a day. It was reported that about eleven workers died in the explosion that took place on 20th of April (Jones, 2010). The likely cause of the disaster…

  • The British Petroleum Company: Target Markets



    BP plc (formerly known as The British Petroleum Company plc) is a UK-based gas and oil company. It has been around for 100 years and is still expanding into new markets (#24 BP, 2019). BP plc operates in every part of its home country, the United Kingdom. It sells fuel through over one thousand service…