Category: People

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

    Video games years ago changed the way people have fun with the creation of home consoles that brought entertainment to families’ televisions. Traditional board games or outdoor activities were no longer the only option for children and adults alike to combat boredom, now they could also enjoy hours of fun on television. With the growing…

  • Descriptive Essay on Nuer People

    Introduction The Nuer people are an Indigenous people from Sudan now known as South Sudan. Their livelihood is based on the many uses of the cattle. With the environment changing through cycles of droughts and floods, the Nuer people have been able to adapt to the severe changes that come with living in Sudan (Peters-Golden,…

  • Perception of Society on Differently Abled People

    Abstract Differently able means a state where a person might be physically or mentally challenged but can do a task in a different way than a normal person. The term Disabled was substituted with the new word Differently able focusing the fact that though they are challenged in a way they still are capable of…

  • Vulnerability of Somali Dutch People: Analytical Essay

    First I will discuss the context of Somali Dutch people in the Netherlands. Then I will elaborate a theoretical framework where I will discuss how stigmatization and non-rational components structure Somali Dutch people’s vulnerability and limited psychological support. Following this, I discuss the shortcomings of the framework by elaborating a structural explanation about how demographical…

  • Summer Vs Winter: Compare and Contrast Essay

    Why would somebody want to be playing in the freezing, blistering cold, when they could be relaxing on a beach in summer? I have concluded that people who enjoy winter are ruder, and more boring than people who enjoy summer. Summer people are not just people who do not care about anything, and want to…

  • The Aspects Of Redefining Success

    Everyone wants to be successful by nature. But what is success? Merriam-Webster defines success as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame Success can be found individually, in groups, in neighborhoods, and as a country. If you truly measure success, monetary wealth may not be the first thing you measure. Measuring possessions…

  • The Significance Of Self-Reliance in The Modern World

    In this world, where every other person is tech-savy, people tend to blindly trust their mobile ‘robots’ for almost every information they are required to have. Assuming that reliance on people has been diminished, implying to the fact, that now, they are ‘self reliant’. This is a complete myth. Self reliance includes the use and…

  • The Psychology Of Suicide And Its Prevention

    It is my conviction that assuming an ever increasing number of individuals are taught about suicide, the notice signs, whose most in danger, and how to help anticipate suicide; maybe, the suicide death rate will diminish in the US. The requirement for suicide anticipation ought to be very self-evident, on the grounds that suicide resembles…

  • Robots Vs Humans: Essay

    In the pursuit of the perfect world, where everyone will be happy with smart technologies because machines will do all the hard work instead of us, we risk complicating our lives. As you have noticed, robots are already around us. We order food through applications, fly on aircraft with the autopilot system. Our phone knows…

  • Necessity of Work

    What is work? Is work necessary? Is it a duty, a socially acceptable behavior, or a natural predisposition. The debate of the meaning of work stems from an argument on whether work was degrading or elevating. Is work a restraint on peoples capacities of freedom, according to Herbert Marcuses argument in Eros and Civilization or…