Category: <td
3.9% Available for sale investments 514 0.1% 530 0.0% Equity accounted investments 1884 0.3% 6224 0.8% Long-term receivables 20920 2.8% 19615 2.6% Total non-current assets 633292 85.9% 601083 80.3% Current assets Inventories 15459 2.1% 18444 2.5% Trade and other receivables 67501 9.1% 112003 15.0% Term deposits 6500 0.9% 7250 1.0% Cash and bank balance 10549 1.4% 9480 1.3% Assets classified as held-for-sale 3666 0.5% Total current assets 103675 14.0% 147177 19.7% Total assets 736967 100.0% 748260 100.0% Total (deficit)/equity Share capital 684158 92.8% 738158 98.6% Government contribution to equity —
in 109.2%</td, 15835</td, 817349</td, -15835</strong, -2.1%</strong, -687529</td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, <p, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <tr, 10.2%</td, 100.0%</strong, 102.1%</strong, 2.1</td, 256542</td, 339120</td, 34.8%</td, 348558</td, 367694</td, 424975</td, 425448</td, 45.3%</td, 46.6%</td, 49.9%</td, 54977</strong, 54977</td, 56.8%</td, 57.7%</td, 57754</td, 58348</td, 63356</td, 681990</strong, 7.5%</strong, 7.5%</td, 7.8%</td, 7.9%</td, 736967</strong, 748260</strong, 764095</strong, 76417</td, 8.5%</td, 92.5%</strong, Accrued liabilities:</td, Accumulated losses</td, Equity, Equity</strong, legal reserve and other</td, Long-term borrowings</td, Other current liabilities</td, The evaluation of performance of Turkish Airlines</h2, To evaluate the performance, Total (deficit)/equity</td, Total current liabilities</td, Total liabilities and equity</strong, Total liabilities</strong, Total non-current liabilities</tdplant and equipment 604595 82.0% 541782 72.4% Goodwill 5379 0.7% 4042 0.5% Intangible assets 0.0% 28
has started experiencing a downturn in automotive FDI. One reason can be slowing growth rate of domestic demand and increasing cost of production. Whereas Thailand
in -4, </li, </p, </td, </td, </td, </td, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, <h2, <h2 id=""appendix"", <h2 id=""conclusion"", <li, <p, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, 0.8</td, 1</td, 11028.9</td, 2.1</td, 2.3</td, 2.8</td, 2003</strong, 2004).</li, 2004</strong, 2005, 2005</strong, 2006</strong, 2007</strong, 216.8</td, 252.9</td, 3.1</td, 3.23</td, 3.5</td, 3.6</td, 3.66</td, 3.89</td, 3.9</td, 303.9</td, 340.8</td, 38.1</td, 38.2</td, 420.2</td, 5.3</td, 5675.4</td, 6.1</td, 6.5</td, 6620.4</td, 7955.5</td, 8944.9</td, Accrued liabilities:</td, Appendix</h2, Category</strong, Conclusion</h2, Consumer price index (%)</td, Current Account Balance (m US$)</td, Disadvantages of Working Directly for Consumers</h2, GDP (US$ bl)</td, GDP Growth Rate (%)</td, Per Capita GDP</td, Poland</strong, Population (m)</td, Table 5.</em, though a new entrant has attracted a lot of FDI with its open policy system which enables foreign investors to access a new market.</p, Year-End Exchange Rate (1 USD)</tdHonda already in the market. Clearly among Thailand and Poland the later has a stronger fundamental and current trend to support FDI in automobile. This is so because Poland though a lucrative destination earlier