Category: R</strong
Topic: Analyzing and Visualizing Data Question: Review the attached file. Suzie
Topic: Analyzing and Visualizing Data Question: Review the attached file. Suzie has an issue. She can either move to NY or FL and needs to review some data that her agent gave her. The agent reviewed house prices and crime ratings for houses that Suzie would be interested in based on her selection criteria. She…
requirement and data:
requirement and data:
requirement and data:
requirement and data:
1. Suppose there is a population of 1000 people and 500 of them have already ado
1. Suppose there is a population of 1000 people and 500 of them have already adopted a new behavior. In the next time period, how many will begin the behavior if there is a constant hazard of .5? What about if the hazard is .5 * current adoption base? Show your work. 2. Draw a…
Instructions Provide the code that parallelizes the following: library(M
Instructions Provide the code that parallelizes the following: library(MKinfer) # Load package used for permutation t-test # Create a function for running the simulation: simulate_type_I
Hi! I’d like you to develop a functional data analysis (FDA) project choosing am
Hi! I’d like you to develop a functional data analysis (FDA) project choosing among the datasets from the fda.usc package. Your project should address specific research questions that you will formulate. The analysis should include: Smoothing functional data Data registration (both landmark and continuous) Functional PCA Functional ANOVA Depth measures Please ensure that your code…
the Bivariate regression analysis revealed that the independent and dependent variables had a statistically significant relationship because Beta was.578
in .000(a)</td, .000</td, .058</td, .234</td, .256</td, .376</td, .396</td, .53505</td, .578</td, .619(a)</td, .656</td, (Constant)</td, </p, </p, </p, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, <em, <p, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td colspan=""2"", <td colspan=""2"", <ul, 1.378</td, 1</td, 1</td, 16.672</td, 16.672</td, 2 </sup, 25.511</td, 42.183</td, 5, 56.565</td, 6.897</td, 7.656</td, 94</td, 95</td, A Summary of Model.</em, Accrued liabilities:</td, Adjusted R Square</strong, ANOVA (b).</em, b</sup, B</td, B</td, Beta</td, Co-efficient (a).</em, df</strong, F</strong, Mean Square</strong, Model, Model</strong, R Square</strong, R</strong, Regression</td, Residual</td, Sig.</strong, Sig.</td, Standardised Coefficients</strong, Std. Error of the Estimate</strong, Std. Error</td, Strategic Evaluation</h4, Sum of Squares</strong, T</strong, Total</td, Unstandardised Coefficients</strong, was 0.396.</p, while R<sup, X3SE</tdwhile the outsourcing performance was the dependent variable. According to the table below
which means that this hypothesis was also rejected. The respondents felt that a firms competitiveness may not necessarily be defined by knowledge-oriented leadership.
Hypothesis (H4): Organizational learning culture positively and significantly influences open innovation.
The fourth hypothesis focuses on investigating if organizational learning culture significantly influences open innovation. Data obtained from the respondents were analyzed and table 6 below shows the outcome.
Table 6: Organizational Learning Culture and Open Innovation.
Model R R Square ² F Significance Organizational Learning Culture 0.202 0.041 0.202 0.933 0.344 The significance of 0.344 is greater than 0.05
in </p, </p, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </tr, <p, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, 0.008</td, 0.090</td, 0.090</td, 0.181</td, 0.674</td, ²</strong, Accrued liabilities:</td, F</strong, Hypothesis (H5): Organizational learning culture positively and significantly influences a firms competitiveness.</em, Model, Model</strong, Organizational Learning Culture</em, R Square</strong, R</strong, Significance</strong, Table 7: Organizational Learning Culture and Firm Competitiveness.</em, The significance value was determined to be 0.674, which means that this hypothesis was also rejected. Organizational learning culture does not positively and significantly influence open innovation.</pbut it is not a guarantee that open-innovation will be promoted in such a firm. Hypothesis (H3): Knowledge-oriented leadership positively and significantly influences firms competitiveness. This hypothesis focused on determining the relationship that exists between knowledge-oriented leadership and a firms competitiveness. The researcher wanted to determine if a firms competitiveness is defined by its ability…